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Intune App Deployment

Description: This suite of PowerShell scripts designed to streamline the management of Microsoft Intune applications across multiple Azure AD tenants. This project simplifies complex tasks such as adding new tenants, managing application lifecycles, and handling security group configurations both in the cloud and on-premises environments.

The project includes a set of tools that automate the installation of the IntuneWin32App-MultiTenant module, facilitate the addition and removal of tenant applications, and manage security groups.

API Download/Install:

The module can be installed by running the following one-liner:

$documentsPath=[Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments');$url='';$moduleName='IntuneWin32App-MultiTenant';$modulePath=Join-Path $documentsPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules';$tempPath=Join-Path $env:TEMP ($moduleName+'.zip');Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $tempPath;$tempDir='.'+$moduleName+'_temp';$extractPath=Join-Path $HOME $tempDir;Expand-Archive -Path $tempPath -DestinationPath $extractPath -Force;$sourceFolder=Join-Path $extractPath 'IntuneWin32App-MultiTenant-main';$destinationFolder=Join-Path $modulePath $moduleName;$managerFolder=Join-Path $extractPath ('IntuneWin32App-MultiTenant-main\IntuneMultiTenantManager');$targetManagerFolder='C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager';if (!(Test-Path $destinationFolder)) {New-Item -Path $destinationFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null};Copy-Item -Path "$sourceFolder\*" -Destination $destinationFolder -Recurse -Force;if (!(Test-Path $targetManagerFolder)) {New-Item -Path $targetManagerFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null};Copy-Item -Path "$managerFolder\*" -Destination $targetManagerFolder -Recurse -Force;Remove-Item -Path $extractPath -Recurse -Force

How to Run:

  • After installation, close and reopen Windows PowerShell ISE as Admin.
  • Run the following command to allow scripts to run:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • Browse to C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager.
  • Open Add-IntuneMultiTenant.ps1 or Remove-IntuneMultiTenant.ps1 and click Run.
  • Choose Yes to All or Yes when prompted.

Add a new tenant:

This option will create an Azure AD application, generate a self-signed certificate, configure necessary permissions through Microsoft Graph, and add the tenant to credentials.csv.

  • Select 1: Add a new tenant.

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  • Authenticate with the tenant using a domain admin account.
  • The self-signed certificate is generated.

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  • An App Registration is created in Azure called Microsoft Intune PowerShell.

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  • A link will be generated. Go to it in a browser.
  • Click the elliptical, and Add to configured permissions.

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  • Click Yes, add.

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  • Click Grant admin concent for....

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  • Click Yes.

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  • Type yes in the powershell window and hit Enter.

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  • The script will exit after this.

Run against an existing tenant:

This option will allow you to select an existing tenant in the credentials.csv.

  • Select 2: Run against an existing tenant.

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  • Select the tenant to run against.

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Run against an all tenants:

This option will allow you to select all existing tenants in the credentials.csv.

  • Select 3: Run against all.

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Select Application to install:

This option will allow you to select one or all applications to install in applications.csv and run agains the tenant(s) you selected.

The Security Groups MUST already exist in the tenant before the application will install.

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A Final Report is created after everything finishes. Here you can see a few outcomes.

  • 7-Zip does not exit in Intune, so it was added.
  • A Security Group does not exist for Adobe Acrobat.
  • The rest of the apps already exist in Intune.

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Select Application to remove:

This option will allow you to select one application to remove in applications.csv and run agains the tenant(s) you selected.

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A Final Report is created after it finishes.

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Create Security Groups in Cloud:

This option will allow you to create the security groups defined in applications.csv in the tenant you selected.

  • Browse to C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager.
  • Open Create-SecurityGroupsCloud.ps1.

A Final Report is created after it finishes.

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Generate Script and Create Security Groups On-Prem:

This option will allow you to generate the script required to create the security groups defined in applications.csv in the on-prem AD server.

  • Browse to C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager.
  • Open Generate-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1.

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  • Copy Generate-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1 to the on-prem AD server and run it.

A Final Report is created after it finishes.

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Script: C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager\Add-IntuneMultiTenant.ps1

This PowerShell script is designed to facilitate the management of Microsoft Intune applications across multiple tenants. It automates tasks such as the addition of new tenants, executing operations on existing tenants, and handling application installations. The script features a user-friendly interface to guide administrators through various options, including adding a new tenant, running actions on a specific tenant, or applying operations across all tenants.

- Initialization of variables and preparation of the environment, including defining paths for storing applications and credentials.
- Installation of necessary PowerShell modules for Azure AD, Microsoft Graph, and Intune application management.
- Dynamic downloading and importing of a custom module for Intune Win32 application management across multiple tenants.
- A user interaction section to capture the administrator's intent, whether it's to add a new tenant, operate on an existing one, or execute actions across all tenants.
- For new tenants, the script supports the creation of an Azure AD application, generating a self-signed certificate, and configuring necessary permissions through Microsoft Graph for comprehensive application management.
- For existing tenants, it enables the selection of a specific tenant or all tenants and processes applications based on pre-defined criteria in CSV files.
- Comprehensive error handling and validation checks to ensure smooth script execution and user decisions.
- Final report generation that summarizes the operations performed and their outcomes.

Script: C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager\Remove-IntuneMultiTenant.ps1

Description: This PowerShell script is crafted to streamline the management of Win32 applications within Microsoft Intune across multiple tenants. It's specifically designed to handle the removal of applications, in addition to facilitating the addition of new tenants and the management of existing ones. Through a user-friendly command-line interface, the script provides administrators with options to add a new tenant, work with a specified existing tenant, or apply actions across all tenants, focusing on application removal.

- Configuration of essential paths and the importation of necessary PowerShell modules for interacting with Azure AD, Microsoft Graph Authentication, and Intune application management capabilities.
- A streamlined process for adding new tenants that includes creating an Azure AD application, generating a self-signed certificate, and configuring required permissions via Microsoft Graph to enable comprehensive application management within the new tenant.
- An interactive user interface that guides administrators through selecting a tenant and choosing applications for removal, based on listings in a CSV file. This ensures that application portfolios can be accurately managed and updated across multiple tenants.
- Enhanced security measures, including certificate-based authentication for Azure AD, to ensure secure access and management operations.
- Detailed procedures for removing specified Win32 applications from the selected tenant(s), leveraging the script’s ability to authenticate and execute removal commands securely.
- Final report generation that summarizes the operations performed and their outcomes.

Note: Both scripts above require the credentials.csv and applications.csv files for their operations, as they rely on this data to manage applications across multiple tenants. Ensure these CSV files are up-to-date and located in the specified paths (Requirements\credentials.csv and Requirements\applications.csv) relative to the script's root directory. Additionally, the scripts are part of a larger PowerShell module, IntuneWin32App-MultiTenant, which contains various functions that these scripts utilize for managing Intune applications across multiple tenants.

Script: C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager\Create-SecurityGroupsCloud.ps1

Description: This script will allow for the creation of Security Groups in the Cloud with the Security Group Name and Descriptions found in Requirements\applications.csv.

Script: C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager\Generate-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1

Description: This script will generate Create-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1 with the Security Group Name and Descriptions found in Requirements\applications.csv.

Script: C:\IntuneMultiTenantManager\Create-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1

Description: This script will allow for the createion of Security Groups in the On-Prem environment after being generated with Generate-SecurityGroupsOnPrem.ps1.